Alibre Design questions & answers

Creates 3D designs and 2D drawings for professional use
Answer by Akash Shah

To slice a part into sections for use in 3D printing using Alibre Design, you can utilize the "Split Body" or "Slice" feature. These features allow you to cut your model into multiple parts that can be printed separately. Refer to the software's documentation or tutorials for detailed instructions on how to perform these operations.

Question by Guest
November 12, 2017

Is this download the 30 day trial or lasts for good?

Answer by Sean Hill

What you download is actually a trial version of the Alibre Design that expires after a period of time. To be able to use the software in its full work, a direct purchase is necessary to receive a username and serial number tied to your name.

This is the screen that appears after you download and install the package from Software Informer:

Click to viewRegistration Window

To buy the product, visit its website and click on the Buy button, then follow the instructions.

Question by Guest
March 7, 2017

How much does the pro version of Alibre Design 11 cost?

Answer by Sean Hill

According to an announcement that was posted in September 2016, the company no longer offers support for Alibre Design 2012 or any older version of the tool. Since Alibre Design 11 was made in 2009 it falls under the previously mentioned category. Additionally, the application no longer exists under that name as it has now been turned into Geomagic Design and you will need to contact its sales department for a price on the product.

Question by Dave
March 6, 2016

Does Alibre Design output files in the STL format?

Answer by Sean Hill

The software is not available for installation. You can still obtain it through the its application page at Software Informer, but there will be no way to register it because it redirects to a page with a different product. It's impossible to say if it support STL extension as output format if the software is not available for installation. If you have it installed, go to File > Save as to check the supported output files.

To obtain an activation username and password for the old software, contact the developers: [email protected].

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